Monday, June 15, 2009

A visit to Great Uncle Christos

On 15 June it's Uncle Stelios' burthday, so Mummy and Daddy took the opportunity to go visit Uncle Christos and Aunt Alexandra. Uncle Stelios was there too, but he is currently serving the homeland and only gets to come home a few days every month.

Here you are in Aunt Alexandra's hands, with Granny M telling you about the Donkey with great big ears.

Uncle Christos hadn't seen you yet and he said he wanted to wait until you were 40 days old and then he would see you. The 40 days limit is an old fashioned thing from the past when it used to be unthinkable to leave the house before 40 days were gone from a baby's birth.

The number 40 is a very special number in religion - in the Noah story it rained for 40 days and nights, and Christ was tempted by the devil for 40 days in the wilderness and lots more which you can learn about and we can then discuss.

Here you are in the bathroom of Uncle Christos getting your nappy changed by Mummy.

Aunty Alexandra was very pleased that we were changing you in their house and leaving them with a little packet of poo in the nappy. Maybe one day Mummy and Daddy will lok back with nostalgia on these times and maybe we will look forward to you leaving us poo filled nappies in the house from your own kids.

Here you are sitting in your traveling seat with the blanket that Granny M has made for you.

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